Saturday, October 31, 2009

Photo A Day

8/25/09 @ 3pm
Rexburg, ID - Fall 1
f/11 - 1/80 - ISO 200 -natural light with a Nikon D5000
Edits: Increased saturation, selective color red, adjusted levels, drew elliptical marquee and inversed with feather of 60 and vivid light and deleted center and reduced opacity down to 20%.

8/26/09 @ 4:30 pm
Rexburg, ID - Fall 2
f/11 - 1/125 - ISO 200 -natural light with a Nikon D5000
Edits: adjusted levels and drew elliptical marquee and inversed with feather of 60 and vivid light and deleted center and reduced opacity down to 20%.

8/27/09 @3:45pm
Rexburg, ID -Fall 3
f/7.1 - 1/125 - ISO 400 -natural light with a Nikon D5000
Edits: added gaussian blue and masked out big leaf, adjusted levels, and drew elliptical marquee and inverse with feather of 60 and vivid light and deleted center and reduced opacity down to 20%.

8/29/09 @ 5:45pm
Rexburg, ID -Fall 4
f/8 - 1/2500 - ISO 200 -natural light with a Nikon D5000
Edits: None
10/30/09 @ 10:45 am
Rexburg, ID -Fall 5
f/5 - 1/1000- ISO 450 -natural light with a Nikon D5000
Edits: adjusted levels

8/28/09 @ 12:15pm
Rexburg, ID -Fall 6
f/8 - 1/125 - ISO 400 -natural light with a Nikon D5000
Edits: increased saturation and adjusted levels, and drew elliptical marquee and inverse with feather of 60 and vivid light and deleted center and reduced opacity down to 20%.

8/31/09 @ 3pm
Rexburg, ID -Fall 7
f/ -flash with a Nikon D5000
Edits: increased saturation and drew elliptical marquee and inverse with feather of 60 and vivid light and deleted center and reduced opacity down to 20%.


  1. I really like your consistent theme - it gives it a very autumny feel. I like the shallow depth of feel in your shoots and the sun shining through the leaves on your first shot.

  2. I like the theme Idea but I have a feeling you didn't take each of these shots on different days. haha whatever! In all honesty I wasn't a big fan of your leaves shots exept for the one of the ground with the bigger leaf amongst the other ones. That shot is pretty sweet. good job. always love your work.

  3. Photo 3 is my favorite out of the bunch. I am torn between liking or disliking your theme of trees/leave/fall. You did well on the theme and I like it but I don't know if it really does justice to a week of photos unless the theme of the photo book were to be a theme that is similar to the whole thing. I like your work though. I don't want you to get me wrong. the thing is that you should not take someone's word as final but you should not through it away necessarily. It reminds me of something that I think can be applied to Photography... a quote by the Scottish poet Robert Burns:
    "O wad some Power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as ithers see us!
    It wad frae monie a blunder free us
    An foolish notion:
    What airs in dress an gait wad lea'es us,
    An ev'n devotion!"
    Basically through the eyes of others things look different just like through a camera it looks different. You notice different things with normal vision than what you notice through a camera lens. You even notice more different thing on an edited photo than you do on an unedited photo.
    Good job... keep having fun.

  4. All of these are amazing. I love how it is a theme. The lighting is great in all of them. I love the sun in the first one. Love the shallow depth of field in the second. I love love love the third one. It is like the black sheep of them all. It is so cool because the placement of the leaf is perfect and the colors of the other leaves are so pretty. The lines from the tree are way awesome. Love the sky in the next one. Love the blur and the simplicity in the next two. You are always amazing and we missed you in class. Have fun!

  5. You had some really great shots this week. I love the third one of the big leaf surrounded by all the smaller leaves, especially because typically I would try to focus on a brighter leaf surrounded by duller-colored leaves, but I love that yours is of a duller-colored leaf surrounded by brighter leaves (if that makes any sense :). There is beautiful contrast in that picture and you really made the big leaf pop in a nice way. I LOVE the picture after that one, the contrast of the silhouette of the tree branches to the sky is gorgeous. My other favorite is your very last one. You succeeded in achieving a really nice shallow depth of field in a lot of these. In your picture of the tree (your 5th one) I wonder how it would look if you tried to burn the sky in a little more to bring out a deeper blue color.

  6. Beautiful shots! I love the theme that you have going on. My favorite is the aspen leave on the pile of leaves. The colors and textures are amazing. Hope you're enjoying your cruise!
